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Timofey Kozlov
Timofey Kozlov

Download The Words (2012) {English With Subtitl...

Whereas throughout most of the twentieth century, collecting a corpus of texts and tagging it with part-of-speech (PoS) information required a massive investment in time and manpower, nowadays it can be done in a matter of days on the basis of digital archives and automatic parsing algorithms. As a result, researchers in psycholinguistics are becoming more aware of quality differences between word frequency measures (Balota et al., 2007; Brysbaert, Buchmeier, et al., 2011; Brysbaert & New, 2009). The use of an appropriate word frequency measure for research was demonstrated by comparing the widely used Kučera and Francis (1967) frequency counts to the best available frequency measure, which explained 10% more variance in naming and lexical decision times of English words. For all languages for which these data are available, word frequency estimates based on a corpus of some 30 million words from film and television subtitles turn out to be the best available predictor of lexical decision and naming times (Brysbaert, Buchmeier, et al., 2011; Brysbaert, Keuleers, & New, 2011; Cai & Brysbaert, 2010; Cuetos, Glez-Nosti, Barbón, & Brysbaert, 2011; Dimitropoulou, Duñabeitia, Avilés, Corral, & Carreiras, 2010; New, Brysbaert, Veronis, & Pallier, 2007).

Download The Words (2012) {English With Subtitl...

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As a first application, we examined whether response times (RTs) to verbs and nouns differ, as had been suggested by Sereno and Jongman (1997) and Baayen et al. (2006), but with opposite results. To this end, we selected the entries from SUBTLEX that only took noun and verb PoS tags and that were recognized by at least two thirds of the participants in the lexical decision experiment of the Elexicon Project. In this project, lexical decision times and naming times were gathered for over 40,000 English words (Balota et al., 2007). The majority of the entries selected were used only as nouns (Table 2). The second most frequent category comprised entries that predominantly served as nouns, but in addition acted as verbs. Then followed the entries only used as verbs, and the verbs also used as nouns.

As can be seen in Table 2, the entries serving both as nouns and verbs were responded to faster than the entries serving as a noun or a verb only [F(3, 16909) = 488, MSE = 11,221]. However, the various categories also differed on a series of confounding variables. Therefore, we examined how much of the differences could be predicted on the basis of the SUBTLEX-US word form frequencies (nonlinear regression using cubic splines), word length in number of letters (nonlinear regression using cubic splines), word length in number of phonemes, orthographic Levenshtein distance to the 20 closest words, and phonological Levenshtein distance to the 20 closest words (see Balota et al., 2007, for more information on these variables). All variables had a significant effect, and together they accounted for 54% of the variance in RTs. They also accounted for most of the differences observed between the four categories, as can be seen in the RTpred column of Table 2. Still, the residual scores of the categories differed significantly from each other [F(3, 16909) = 22.9, MSE = 5,543], mainly due to the fact that the entries primarily used as nouns were processed faster than predicted on the basis of the confounding variables, whereas the entries primarily used as verbs were processed more slowly than predicted. This is in line with the findings of Sereno and Jongman (1997) and different from those of Baayen et al. (2006), possibly because an analysis limited to monosyllabic words does not generalize to the full corpus. The difference between nouns and verbs illustrates, however, that researchers should match their stimuli on PoS information in addition to word form frequency, word length, and similarity to other words.

Brysbaert and New (2009) addressed the usefulness of word form frequency versus lemma frequency in a more general way by making use of the word-processing times of the English Lexicon Project (Balota et al., 2007). They observed that, across the 40,000 words, the CELEX word form frequencies accounted for slightly more variance in the RTs than did the CELEX lemma frequencies, and they thus advised researchers to continue working with word form frequencies rather than lemma frequencies. Similar conclusions were reached for Dutch (Keuleers, Brysbaert, & New, 2010) and German (Brysbaert, Buchmeier, et al., 2011).

To further assess the usefulness of lemma frequencies versus word form frequencies for general psycholinguistic research, we turned to a new, independent source of information. In recent years, Davies has compiled a Corpus of Contemporary American English (e.g., Davies, 2008; available at This corpus is based on five different sources with equal weight: transcriptions of TV and radio talk shows, fiction (short stories, books, and movie scripts), popular magazines, newspapers, and academic journals. It is regularly updated, and at the time of purchase (fall 2011) it contained 425 million words. Frequencies can be downloaded or purchased for word forms (depending on the level of detail wanted) and purchased for lemmas; these norms are known as the COCA word frequencies.

It is clear that the contributions of base words and inflected forms require further scrutiny. On the one hand, good evidence exists that the frequencies of inflected forms affect the recognition of base words in at least one case (Baayen et al., 1997; New et al., 2004). On the other hand, it is also clear that lemma frequencies as currently defined are, in general, not very helpful for selecting the stimuli for word recognition experiments (Table 3). One way to improve the situation may be to try out different definitions of lemma frequency and see which one best predicts lexical decision times for various types of words (and in different languages). Another approach may be to use other measures of inflectional and morphological complexity, as proposed by Martín, Kostić, and Baayen (2004). However, it is clear that the issue is unlikely to be settled in a single study such as this one. Therefore, we felt that including a single lemma frequency in our database would send the wrong signal. It seemed more in line with current knowledge to limit the PoS information to the various frequencies provided by the CLAWS algorithm, so that researchers can collectively sink their teeth into the issue and try out different combinations of word frequencies. Hopefully, over time, convergent evidence will emerge about which equivalent to lemma frequency (if any) provides the best information for word recognition research. This could then be added to the SUBTLEX-US database.

We parsed the SUBTLEX-US corpus with the CLAWS tagger so that we could provide information about the syntactic roles of the words. This will allow researchers to better match their stimulus materials or to select words belonging to specific syntactic categories. Unlike previous lists, we have not included lemma frequencies, because they do not yet seem to provide useful information for word recognition researchers.

The trouble with this film is that it is a mixture of Liar, Liar and Yes Man and they were already successful both featuring Jim Carrey.Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) is a literary agent who uses his spiel to get book deals for his clients and willing to stretch the truth to do it. He is trying to get a book deal from a New Age self-help guru, Dr Sinja (Cliff Curtis) who sees through his deceit. Later that night, a Bodhi Tree magically appears in his backyard. Jack discovers that for every word that Jack says, a leaf will fall off of the tree. When the tree runs out of leaves, the tree will die and so will Jack.In time Jack finds that even written words count towards his limit and if anything happens to the tree will also affect Jack. When Jack tries to cut it down with an axe, an axe wound appears on him. When squirrels climb the tree, it tickles him. Jack has to deal with life as a man of few words which causes chaos at work and with his personal life. Of course over time Jack becomes a better person as he deals with some past issues in his life regarding his father. You cannot help but smile when he gives the Beatles White album to the Starbucks's worker or finally reads the script from a valet parking attendant and signs him up (the actor playing the attendant is also a writer.)The film is charming and involving its just not very funny or involves the usual Murphy persona or Jim Carrey style slapstick. Murphy is reined in here which turns off his usual fans and the story is derivative because we have seen it before but its enjoyable in its own right.

Annotation includes typical characteristics of spoken language such as false starts, hesitations and truncated words. To obtain better results for source-target alignment as well as sentence parsing the transcripts were segmented using a main clause approach: compound sentences were segmented separately. For the second version of the corpus, the transcripts were processed clause by clause with the spaCy Natural Language ProcessingSee: _language_processing

zipf_frequency is a variation on word_frequency that aims to return theword frequency on a human-friendly logarithmic scale. The Zipf scale wasproposed by Marc Brysbaert, who created the SUBTLEX lists. The Zipf frequencyof a word is the base-10 logarithm of the number of times it appears perbillion words. A word with Zipf value 6 appears once per thousand words, forexample, and a word with Zipf value 3 appears once per million words.

If you happen to want an easy way to get a memorable, xkcd-stylepassword with 60 bits of entropy, this function will almost do thejob. In this case, you should actually run the similar functionrandom_ascii_words, limiting the selection to words that can be typed inASCII. But maybe you should just use xkpa.

The word frequencies are combined with the half-harmonic-mean function in orderto provide an estimate of what their combined frequency would be. In Chinese,where the word breaks must be inferred from the frequency of the resultingwords, there is also a penalty to the word frequency for each word break thatmust be inferred. 041b061a72


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